Worth a Watch.

- Gladiator.(2000) The Academy Awards winning movie of 2000 makes everyone conclude that the movies are not only about story, performance and direction. They are also about the sweetness of music.

- Lootera.(2013) Based on O. Henry's short story The Last Leaf, the movie Lootera is another masterpiece of the Indian cinema. The movie depicts the era of 1950s, the era of Zamindari abolition in India.

- Madras Cafe.(2013) The best RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) based movie ever produced by India is Madras Cafe. No crap like shown in Ek Tha Tiger or Agent Vinod. This movie deserved nomination for Oscar Awards.
- Pan Singh Tomar. (2012) The movie of the year 2012, dedicated to the life of a true and dedicated Indian soldier and athlete turned rebel, named Pan Singh Tomar, shows that Indian cinema is not devoid of artists who know the art of direction and the artists who know how to be indulged in the character role.
Bird's Eye forMovies (Reviews and gossips). The movies, both from Hollywood and Bollywood that I have seen
yet and I have reviewed. Also, some interesting facts of cinema industry. CLICK HERE
Movies. The Hollywood movies that I have seen and reviewed. CLICK HERE
From Hollywood (imported Masala in Bollywood
Movies). Information about the movies which have some elements copied from
movies of other countries, for which Bollywood was best known so far. CLICK HERE
Not a Good Copy (Copycraps). Some movies, which have
elements of foreign movies, but despite that the whole movie was created a
crap. It includes Murder 3 as the benchmark. CLICK HERE
Great Hindi Movies Always. If you want to see the
progress of Bollywood, this section shows the best ever movies of India. CLICK HERE
Notable Roles. This section is dedicated
to those actors of cinema industry, who bring the laurels not on the count of
the abs they have created or inch of chest they have pumped up. They are the
true actors like Heath Ledger,
Manoj Vajpayee, Nawaz-ud-din Siddiqi. CLICK HERE
Bollywood Disappointments. These movies were expected
to be good movies of cinema industry, rather they turned out to be a big
disaster. CLICK HERE
Expected to be Good in Bollywood. People have much expectations from the movies, which are upcoming. And such movies are in this section. CLICK HERE
Expected to be Good in Bollywood. People have much expectations from the movies, which are upcoming. And such movies are in this section. CLICK HERE
Mission 1000. I am on a mission to prove them wrong who say that India has never produced or can’t produce a good class of actors. It is the list of 1000 character roles played by the Indian actors in various movies. CLICK HERE
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