
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Enforcement to tackle drought and flood.

Every year, we come across the news of massive deaths due to flood and drought, yet we only lament about and are not able to suggest any mechanism. 
One day, when I too thought about the grave situation of Indian subcontinent, I just realised that our Engineers, instead to flying abroad to grab the 7 digit annual package, should be engaged on a project that can tackle the twin problems of flood and drought during monsoon. 
For this purpose:
  1. First of all, there should be a map of the affected areas. This will include the areas surrounded by the rivers and areas not having irrigation facilities.
  2. Plan should be drawn to connect the areas to bring them at the level playing field.
  3. There should be a committee set up to estimate the funds and duration of completion of the project.
  4. There should be a team of good construction Engineers that will be compulsorily required to serve the project in India, for which they will be given preference in the job interviews in firms and companies.
Obviously, India has one of the best technical manpower team in the world, it can tackle the problem in planned way.

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